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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How Republicans Reorganize Their Parties

Mike pointed me to this article earlier today.

Its always good to take a peek at what the other side has done to revitalize itslef in traditionally Democratic areas. Click here to read the article. Its a little long, but worth it.

DECs Should Not Be Involved in Primaries

I've heard a great deal about this issue that is coming to light lately. Many of us saw what happened in Ohio, as Paul Hackett was forced out of the Senate race there. In other Democratic primaries throughout the nation, national Democratic campaign organs, from the DCCC and the DSCC, have actively taken sides in primaries and have forced candidates out of races. I personally don't believe these bodies don't have the authority to do this, but then again, I don't know the rules at the national level.

What has frustrated me recently is to hear that local Democratic parties have become complicit in all of this, and sometimes participating in this themselves.

In Florida, no DEC or DEC member should take active sides in primary. Period. I believe this is in the state bylaws, but I haven't confirmed to be sure.

All DECs in Florida, including the larger and better organized DECs, have no place in the affairs of primaries. It would be gauling for me to see DEC leaders try to play favorites in a primary when they barely are getting by in terms of getting their actual jobs done. As DECs are struggling for political RELEVANCE in the state, the last thing they need to be doing is sticking their heads in primary business.

Every Democrat who agrees to run for office should be given a fair chance and a fair shot - and should never be subject to useless and unproductive political games - especially played by people who have no business at all playing it.

If a Democrat looks like a losing candidate, its up to their primary challenger to finish them off. If they're that bad, and the other guy can't defeat them, then chances are they didn't stand much of a chance against the Republican opponent either.

Democrats will make the right decision if given the chance.

Finally, to all DEC leaders and officials in Florida and across the US who feel its their business to meddle in primaries: stop playing political kingmaker - and get back to doing your real job.